A  multi-product store in Kaliti

Some activities are much more challenging than others. Patience and persistence are the only keys to achieve a goal that is set and a promise that has been made. It has been 9 months since efforts have started to open this multi-product store for our group of moms in Kaliti sub-city, koye area.
From obtaining the free premise to installing light and water, as well as gathering the right documents to make our moms legally registered business owners, many challenges occurred and almost made us give up. But thanks to our resilient #TeamN4ED, it has been possible to finally pull it off and make it possible.
Here are a few pictures of the workshop/store in the making: injera + bread + condiments + vegetables and soon after that some hot meals, coffee, and tea will be served. It is located in an ideal place in between condominium apartments and behind a big factory. We wish them all the best for the success of their new business!
Our deepest gratitude to the generous donors who made this possible: Amitiés Franco-Ethiopiennes, La Ville de Lyon, I Care Ye Lycee Lij, and individual donors.